Curated with love…somewhere in the dreamy Texas Hill Country

a Note from Herald and Mod:


Thank You again for your love and continued support!


Herald and Mod

Welcome! We are passionate about the art of life and living. We see inspiration in our daily work, play of creativity and entertainment of cinema and literature. We have steadily collected the most unique goods from across the globe for decades and we are pleased to share only the finest of our collections with you. Out of love and mere obsession we have surrounded ourselves with uncommon oddities and vintage goods in devotion from the quality of life it provides everyday.

We love the unique opportunity to meet amazing like-minded enthusiasts of textiles and antiquities such as yourself.

We love the family of friends and colleagues we have made through acquiring as well as sharing our collection. Thank You for joining us on this journey.

We are always finding more one of a kind items or unique deadstock goods unearthed from the wild for the gallery.

Collections will be updated seasonally.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information of inventory or inquires of items availability from the gallery.